Last night while picking up some things at Meijers the person in front of me was challenging the clerk on two items that the computer overcharged them. The "price checker" confirmed the error and her money was refunded. It did not stop there; then the person informed them according to Michigan law they also were to pay an additional $5.00 per item that they overcharged. On a billl of $60.00 they were overcharged $7.00 or 11.7 percent. If Meijers randomly does this on $100,000 per day it results in $11,700 overcharges or approximately 1,500 transactions per day. Proverbs 20:23, "...dishonest scales do not please HIM." If I would spend all my $200 per month at this store I could have an additional $100 per month to tithe. NOW THAT WOULD PLEASE HIM! WE ARE THE DIFFERENCE?
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD!
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About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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