That is what I thought growing up. She would work late at night washing clothes. Many times I remember her using a scrub board. In retrospect we only had a few clothes and she always wanted us to have her best. Mother's have a unique understanding of Agape love and those are the treasures we have above awards received or trials experienced. 1 Timothy 1:5, "...Love comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." I have been so Blessed with others who share GOD'S Agape Love, my wife, my mother, sister (also like my mother) and brother. I believe GOD uses Mothers to teach us HIS love. Moments I treasure above all else, EVEN DOING LAUNDRY.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD!
Proverbs 24:5-6, "A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength..." Sometimes when we experience things that take us to the lowest part; we feel lonely and terrible and don't know why. We need AGAPE THERAPY where we remember all the Glory belongs to GOD alone and all things are possible with GOD! GOD blesses us abundantly and HE is always with us - no matter what! When we feel GOD'S love we overflow! When we overflow we make an impact, we make a difference, we make a ripple, we tip the scale, we are different, and we are a Blessing to others. IT IS WISDOM AND WITH HUMILITY THAT WE UNDERSTAND THIS. It is seeing and treating others as GOD does.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Sometimes we wonder how GOD can use us. Jeremiah & Timothy were too young; David committed adultery and murdered; Moses murdered and disobeyed GOD; Jonah ran from GOD; Naomi was a widow; Job went bankrupt; John The Baptist was called names like "The Devil"; Peter deneid JESUS; The Disciples fell asleep while praying; Mary Magdalene was from the streets; Rahab was a prostitute; Matthew was a tax collector; Jacob was a con-man; Elijah was suicidal; and Martha worried so much. Romans 8:28, "...all things work together for good, for those who are called according to HIS purpose..." JUST A REMINDER, share how GOD is using you and we will share with others.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Romans 12:19, "Do not take revenge, MY friends, but leave room for GOD'S wrath, for it is written: it is MINE to avenge: I will repay..." We have all heard, "to err is human, to forgive Divine". If I try to forgive under my own power (the flesh) it never will be done! Because deep down I am saying, GOD will give them what they have coming. But remember, GOD is the loving and forgiving GOD; so HIS dealing with those who have offended us may not (and in my case, never is) be what we think should be done. So do I forgive when when I "play act"? You know when your parents made you "say sorry" which really had no repentance at all. Then it carried into later life say the words but not mean them. Forgiveness is DIVINE, I believe it happens instantaneously through love. I cannot think of anyone that I need to forgive (and it is not my Parkinson's for lack of memory) but I can read you a long list of those I have offended. I am blessed to be forgiven! I think I will just focus on the Mercy GOD and GOD'S children have give me; instead of who I need to forgive. It's Instant, It's Divine, IT'S THE EASIEST THING TO DO!
John 8:42-43, "...If GOD were your FATHER, you would love me....Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear MY WORD." As I was reading where JESUS said, "...know the truth and the truth will set you free..." I went on to read what JESUS said to the Jews as they were "comfortable" in their religious "rhetoric". They were content to be the children of Abraham and that made them religious in their minds. But JESUS asked them, if they were truly the children of Abraham wouldn't they do what Abraham did? They were the seed of Abraham in the flesh but they were not so in the Spiritual sense. Their pride, vanity and wickedness opposed the Truth. They chose to pervert what HE said to justify what they wanted to do. The reason we do not understand the Bible and its message is because we "cannot bear the Truth" about ourselves; we are still not "broken" of pride, vanity and selfishness. Today I pray, LORD, I give you a "blank check" to do whatever it takes to make me yours! Let me live in Truth, and MAY I IMITATE YOU! In the precious name of JESUS, I pray, AMEN.
1 Corinthians 3:8-9, "He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are GOD'S fellow workers." The obedience and love in which we do things are one, as is he who plants and he who waters. One is not greater than the other. If the grain is not planted there is no need to water; if there is no one to water, there is no need to plant. What makes water grow the seed? GOD! We are working in tandem with GOD! We are one. It is the character (love) in which we do the work that gives it value and we share together in the rewards. TEN FOUR "GOOD BUDDY", I GOT A TANDEM ROLLIN HERE! GOD, YOU AND ME. Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD!
Luke 6:27-28, "...Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." You see, it's not the "WHAT" GOD says to do, it's the "HOW" to do it. I searched the Bible for the "HOW" then it came; scripture I had read many times before but had always associated it to marriage vows. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, "...Love is patient and kind; it does not envy...Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." It is not the "WHAT" you do to someone, it is the "HOW' you do it! When GOD says to "bless those who curse you" HE is giving you powerful protection to keep you from becoming bitter, hateful or revengeful. HE shows us IT WAS ALWAYS THE "HOW", DO IT IN LOVE.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! MONDAY! A day unlike any other, many times you wake up depressed and don't know why; or "Cranky" and no one else knows why. When this happens to me I read Psalm 51: 10, "...Create in me a clean heart, O GOD, and renew a right spirit within me..." That's it, I crave a fresh sense of GOD'S Presence, a renewal of JOY and THANKFULNESS that I have in HIS presence! Just mending won't do, I must be made NEW. YES LORD, give me a heart and Spirit which is constant, steady and determined to be noble, generous and cheerfully gives itself up to YOU. LORD, make me firm in love and integrity and not yield to temptation, including Mondays. THIS IS THE DAY, THE LORD HAS MADE, LET US REJOYCE AND BE GLAD IN IT!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Isaiah 58:7, "...share your bread with the hungry..." We often think of the "homeless" as those without shelter or food. What do you really remember about a home? Was it warm with love, sometimes laughter, a spontaneous hug, just listening to someone tell a story that made them happy, or seeing someone go out of their way to help you? Those experiences gave you Peace and Joy regardless of where were. It is as though the homeless are invisible (whether it is on the street, or in your heart) and they only appear at Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. It is not just giving a handout or directing them to a shelter, it is about sitting down with them, listening, laughing and even a hug. Oh well, that is just my thought for today. I guess we are all a little "homeless", unless we show GOD'S love for one another and ourselves. Listen to someone today and let them laugh, maybe even give them a hug.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! If we read Judges 16, we find that Samson's hair was a symbol of his vow to GOD and when he did any great feat it was when the SPIRIT came upon him! We bear within us the seeds of our own self destruction. The strength of our flesh is the danger to our souls and deliverance can come only when our old life is defeated and we are forced to our knees. GOD rescues us from ourselves and saves us for HIM. How eagerly we seek approval of man and a worldly reputation and how shamefully we condem the converted sinner. Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived, GOD is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." It is interesting that Samson with all of his faults is mentioned as a man of Faith in Hebrews. Thank you JESUS, their is hope for us all to repent and obey.
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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