"We're all in our places, with SONshiny faces; And this is the way, to start a NEW day". We have all met extraordinaire radiant people who GLOWED with GOD'S LOVE and GRACE. "Moses did not know that his face shone because he had been alone talking with GOD" (Exodus 12:29). Did we start the day, ABSOLUTELY ALONE WITH GOD? If so, others will see the GLOW OF LOVE AND GRACE, of THE "SON" IN US! And it's all because, "WE ARE ALL IN OUR PLACES (right where GOD wants us), WITH "SONSHINY" FACES!
Do we feel that our life is like being on a "treadmill", and that we are a speck of dust being carried by the Wind? Have we lived every way; "with much", "with little" and "with nothing"? And did we conclude that ALL was nothing more than "vanity and chasing the wind" (Ecclesiastes 2:26)? Did we learn that "Something is NOT always better than NOTHING"? Were we more satisfied with NOTHING than with SOMETHING? In ALL we have, or don't have; NOTHING IS BETTER THAN GOD! "Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). Is "DYING" the physicalcessation of life, or putting GOD'S WILL for others ahead of our own selfishness and pride; OR BOTH? And, are we only to do this for our Friends? In the "FULLNESS OF GOD'S LOVE" we treat everyone as our FRIEND. Even our enemies become our friends when they know we Love them. When we "DIE" to the world, EVERYONE SEES JESUS, and not us. ISN'T THAT THE JOY OF LOVE? DEATH IS THE "CESSATION" OF LIFE TO THE WORLD AND ENEMIES BECOME FRIENDS.
Trying to reduce or simplify the SPIRITUAL REALM into our "material" understanding leaves GOD'S WORD "unreavealed". Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through CHRIST WHO strengthens me". We often take this to mean we can pay our bills, get through tough times, or accomplish everything on our "to-do" lists. Could it mean that we can do ALL THINGS which GOD has Sacredly made our duty to do; even FULFILL THE WILL OF GOD through CHRIST WHO strengthens us? ADORE GOD THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US.
Do we keep trying to "fix" things? Do we keep dwelling on broken marriages, and abused friendships? Anything and everything that could go wrong; went wrong! And even the things that "couldn't go wrong", DID. We tried to make it right with more lies. Then we were BROKEN. WE ARE BROKEN, BECAUSE WE BROKE THEIR HEARTS, THE HEART OF GOD. How could we have JOY after doing so much evil, that destroyed so many? Psalm 51:16; "GOD does not delight in sacrifice or we would do it..." Our confession stops our denial; our repentance is TRUST. TRUSTING JESUS TO HEAL THEM, COMFORT AND GIVE THEM UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. Because their lack of forgiveness no longer separates them from GOD. AND US? Well, we learned that what it is like to love them and GOD more than ourselves. WE EVEN PREFER IT THAT WAY; BECAUSE GOD RECEIVES ALL THE GLORY! AND OUR JOY IS IN ANSWERED PRAYERS. AMEN.
There has to be more to it, than ALL THIS PAIN AND SUFFERING we are supposed to endure as CHRISTIANS. Is pain and suffering only a delusion of the "human tangible world" where we temporarily reside? How could the Disciples be "sawed in half", "hung upside down" or "stoned to death" for CHRIST if the JOY WASN'T GREATER THAN THE PAIN? Could it be that THE JOY IS SO GREAT, THAT THERE IS NO PAIN? As Stephen was being ridiculed and stoned, "he was full of the HOLY SPIRIT, and saw the GLORY OF GOD and JESUS...and the Heavens opened", (Acts 7:54-58). Maybe MARTYRS DON'T KNOW THEY ARE MARTYRS, BECAUSE THEIR JOY IS SO GREAT, THAT THERE IS NO PAIN! IS OUR JOY SO GREAT; THERE IS NO PAIN?
She has beauty that comes from within and her presence teaches unconditional love (1 Peter 3:4). We experience GOD'S unconditional love in our Mothers; the one who is more JOYFUL for our journey in life than she is for her own. She prays for us when we don't know how to pray for ourselves. Her prayers are based on need and her need is based on Prayer. We are Blessed as we give thanks upon every remembrance of her (Philippian 1:2-3).
When there are not many people at Church, every sound is magnified. It is so quiet that we can hear the shuffling of feet and even the turning of pages in the Hymnal. The soft melodious voices of the choir become faded compared to the boisterous JOYful "noise" coming from the back pew. The man was "Making a JOYful Noise" as though it would be "criminal" or "sacrilegious" not to. He continued to Gratefully, Thankfully and JOYfully Praise GOD. His "JOYFUL NOISE" became THE SOURCE OF ENCOURAGEMENT for the rest of the Church. You could hear all Creation joining in; The Sea Roaring, The Hills Echoing, and The Thunder clapping its hands. Psalm 100:1, 98:4; "Make of JOYful noise unto the LORD, all the earth". REJOYCE AND SING; WE NEVER KNOW WHO GOD WILL ENCOURAGE; IT COULD BE YOU!
We may not "quote Book, Chapter and Verse" from the Bible, but GOD'S WORDS flow from our hearts when we speak. Jeremiah 31:33, "I will put in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts..." The Heart, is the center of Consciousness and Will, where GOD'S WORD becomes assurance, regeneration and delight. The Heart is where we have a full understanding of THE CROSS. THE CROSS is where we DIE to ourselves (the most painful death), and LIVE for GOD. Yes, HIS WORD is written in our Hearts; where we understand that THE CROSS we bear, is when OUR WILL, "CROSSES", GOD'S WILL.
UNGODLY THINGS DO NOT BRING US TO GOD. Does "worry", "pain", "fear" or "abuse" bring us to want to know GOD? "DOOM AND GLOOM" preaching produces "DOOM AND GLOOM" thinking, which produces "REWARD" type behavior. "If I am good, I'll go to Heaven; if I am bad, I'll burn in hell". Does a "DOOM AND GLOOM" GOD promise Peace beyond the realm of boundaries (John 14:27)? Does HE promise wisdom and happiness beyond our comprehension (Eccl. 2:26)? HE doesn't fill us with Hope, Joy, Peace and Trust; out of fear, pain and worry (Romans 15:13). Does GOD want us LOVE HIM for who HE is; or WANT HIM for what HE can do for us? GOD DOES NOT "BEGET" UNGODLY TO DRAW US TO HIM.
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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