A calm evening in a small restaurant, families joyfully sharing events of the day. Then, one family prays before dinner; the family at the next table begins to share their Love for the LORD. One family then another professing their Faith. As the restaurant begin to empty, two people came to the first table and gave the person there a hug and bid farewell. Acts 2:46, "...they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising GOD and having favor with all the people..." One man (big and boisterous) sitting across the room came and said, I would like you to meet my son, as you seem to be a person of "Importance" and maybe you could help him. I saw the people here shake your hand and give you "hugs" as they left; I KNOW YOU ARE ONE OF "IMPORTANCE". Colossians 2:12, "...as GOD'S chosen ones, holy and beloved, put on compassionate hearts...humility..." At that the person put their hand on the man and said, "you are right, I am a PERSON OF IMPORTANCE as I have been chosen to tell you about SALVATION with our LORD JESUS CHRIST". A PERSON OF IMPORTANCE.
GOD chooses HIS special moments in our lives....
Have we ever experienced something which gave so much Pleasure and Satisfaction and was so undeniably Revealing, that we knew our minds could not have invented it? It is as though we began ascending to HEAVEN in the AMAZING TRUTH. "We are the heirs of GOD ... co-heirs with CHRIST" (Romans 8:17). Our inheritance is Salvation, the SPIRIT of wisdom and revelation in the KNOWLEDGE of GOD. Not only do we receive an inheritance in GOD, but HE secures an inheritance in US! Ephesians 1:18, "...and what the glory of HIS inheritance in the Saints..." Malachi 3:17, the LORD speaks of HIS people as HIS SPECIAL TREASURE. What an OVERWHELMING thought that our GREAT GOD would consider HIMSELF richer because of our Faith, our love and our Worship! Maybe today our Revelation can be; I NEED GOD, GOD NEEDS ME.
GLORY UPON GLORY, Do we really "not like" Monday's, or do we enJOY Sunday's (SONday's) so much, that we don't want them to end? We wish SUNDAY WOULD LAST FOREVER. Genesis 2:3, "So GOD blessed the seventh day and made it HOLY." On this day we resolve ourselves to be different. This day is different, there is a restful Peace in the things around us, our SOUL and our SPIRIT. We are in Harmony with HIS Presence; "But he who is joined to the LORD becomes ONE SPIRIT with HIM. " (1 Corinthians 6:17). If we let everyday be HIS; Holy, Sanctified and Blessed, then everyday becomes SUNDAY (SONDAY) and SUNDAY LASTS FOREVER.
Today is HIS Day with you, In today's vernacular people use the word "WHATEVER" to indicate indifference or apathy, an attitude of "who cares". GOD tells us "...not to live by bread alone but every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD". "WHATEVER" suggests the totality of our commitment to GOD. Psalm 1, "...WHATEVER they do prospers...". Philippians 4:8, "...WHATEVER is true, WHATEVER is pure...WHATEVER is lovely...". Matthew 21:22, John 15:7, "If you believe...WHATEVER you ask for in prayer...". Matthew 25:40, "...WHATEVER you did for one of the least...you did for ME." 1 Corinthians 10:31, "WHATEVER you do, do it for the glory of GOD...". WHATEVER happens, or doesn't happen; commit it to the ONE who commands HEAVEN and HEARTS to bring us JOY and PEACE. Ecclesiastes 3:14, "...WHATEVER GOD does, it shall be forever...". So the next time we start to say, "OH, WHATEVER"; remember that WHATEVER IS FOREVER!
Prayers that we all see HIS Blessings in our lives, What do we have to do to receive the HOLY SPIRIT? We have an idea that REPENT is a "change of heart", the complete "turn around" of our way of thinking. REPENTANCE is not merely a fear of the wrath of GOD as the consequences of our sins; it is sorrow of our actions against GOD where we now view sin as repulsive and bondage which separates us from GOD. It is hearing the DIVINE Message with its DIVINE Power which draws us to "seek" GOD on FAITH. Acts 2:38, "...Repent, and be baptized..." Is this Baptism of water? Acts 2:2-4, "...suddenly there came from Heaven ...it filled the entire house...all were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT." Acts 19:6, "...when Paul laid his hands upon them, the HOLY SPIRIT came on them..." Acts 1:5, "but you shall be baptized with the HOLY GHOST..." LET US CELEBRATE PENTECOST WITH BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Celebration time, come on.... If GOD is ALL KNOWING and ALWAYS makes the right choice, at the right time, regarding our needs and the needs of others, THEN WHY PRAY? Do our prayers become an attempt to "sway" GOD into action? Maybe Prayer has a greater purpose. Maybe living in "constant prayer", CHANGES US; where Prayer becomes a "humbling" expression and acknowledgement of our dependence upon GOD. When this happens our Prayers become a meditation and conversation of PRAISE. Matthew 6:8, "...for your FATHER knows what you need before you ask HIM." DOES PRAYER CHANGE GOD'S MIND; OR DOES PRAYER CHANGE US?
The mysteries of birth and death, and lapse of consciousness during sleep, suggests that we are more than a mere physical body. In each of us "is that glimpse of eternity", the innate awareness that there is more than this physical life. There is something deep within us that is completely independent of our physical presence. DEEP SEEKING DEEP, our SPIRIT seeking its origin. Ecclesiastes 12:7, "...dust returns to the earth as it was, and the SPIRIT returns to GOD WHO gave it". Knowing what cannot be Known, comprehending the incomprehensible and communing DEEP TO DEEP.
Do we take "One step forward, and two steps back" in our quest of "Seeking GOD"? Or do we believe the "lies of the evil one" lulling us into the "comfort zone" that everyone is going to Heaven, no matter what? How can we expect to experience the Fullness of GOD when we are yet to come to the end of ourselves? The World has not compromised what they believe, but Christianity has compromised in its effort to "win others to CHRIST"! 1 Corinthians1:10, "...there is no divisions among you, but that you be united, in the same mind..." Are we afraid of Preaching the TRUTH in fear that the congregation will leave and go to another Church? Do we need GOD so much that we are willing to say; "I WANT THE PRESENCE OF GOD HIMSELF, NOT RELIGION OR DENOMINATION"? Do we want to keep Compromising in Comfort because we are AFRAID TO WANT ALL THAT GOD HAS?
Do we try to approach GOD with the attitude, "our sins are not so wrong" or "others do much worse"? Galatians 6:3, "For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself". One unrepentant "small sin", "white lie", or "hurtful word" actually CONFRONTS OUR "UNTAINTED" GOD. But when HIS HOLINESS exposes our UNHOLINESS, we PROVE that we no longer APPROVE of our arrogance and ignorance. HERE'S THE GREAT NEWS; we don't have to keep dwelling upon how sinful we are, or how detestable we are when compared to GOD! We can come before GOD, contrite, humble AND JOYFUL because when we see HIS HOLINESS, we see WHO WE CAN BE! Now that's EXCITING, REMARKABLE, UNFATHOMABLE; IT'S JUST "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, GOOD NEWS! Proverbs 2:1-6, "...treasure up MY commands...inclining your heart to understanding...search as if for hidden treasures...you will understand the love of the LORD and find the knowledge of GOD..." IT'S JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, "GOOD NEWS".
Families kneeling together in Prayer; friends and acquaintances stop by or call; it was as though we were enraptured in HEAVENLY BLISS. RESURRECTION WEEK a time when we ALL walked in the SPIRIT and not the flesh. A time when we understood how all the creatures could say the same things for all Eternity; "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, is the LORD GOD Almighty". A time when Prayers lasted longer than a few minutes without being distracted, and Church Services lasted longer than twenty minutes without people looking at their watches. Content in the HOLINESS OF JESUS, where we experience not only JOY, but THE FULLNESS OF JOY. "YOU will show me the path of life: in YOUR presence if fullness of JOY...pleasures for ever more." THE FULLNESS OF JOY; A TIME AND PLACE YOU NEVER WANT TO LEAVE.
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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