"I am busy, but it helps the day go faster". How can we spend "one minute" of our lives doing something that is not fulfilling, inspiring and satisfying? How can we do something over and over and not see GOD in it? That is NOT LIVING, THAT IS DYING; OVER AND OVER! When we do anything "just to get it done", we no longer have Great Expectations, Miracles go unnoticed, and the Journey becomes a "death march". Are we just "biding our time" waiting for a place called Heaven? Or is Heaven the relationship, expectation, imagination, inspiration and revelation of GOD IN EVERYTHING? 1 Corinthians 2:9, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined...". Could it be that in these quiet conversations with GOD, we experience the JOY OF HEAVEN? Could it be that HEAVEN IS IN LIVING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD; IN EVERYTHING WE DO?
How often do we hear non-Christians quote the Bible and not realize it? "Love is patient, love is kind" (1 Cor. 13:4). "I'm flying high, like wings of eagles" (Isaiah 40:31). "The rich get richer" (James 2:6). "Laughter is the best medicine" (Proverbs 17:22). And, "No one can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24). Is there some common gene in our D.N.A. that draws us to the INTEGRITY and TRUTH OF GOD? Having experienced all of the Pleasures of the world, is there anything more "cleansing" and "satisfying" than being forgiven and loved? Do we ALL seek that which is GREATER THAN OURSELVES? Believers and Un-Believers experience the power and conviction of TRUTH, whether we obey it or not. HAVE WE EVER NOTICED THAT NON-CHRISTIANS QUOTE THE BIBLE AND DO NOT REALIZE IT? HAVE WE EVER NOTICED THAT "WE" CHRISTIANS QUOTE THE BIBLE, AND DO NOT REALIZE IT? NOW ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH OF IT?
The worldly knowledge teaches us "more and more" about "less and less", until we know everything about nothing. Is that why we attempt to describe our "Spiritual Perceptions and Manifestations" as karma, fate, destiny or the Law of Attraction? The "Voice" inside us reveals the presence or non-presence of spirits. Have we "discerned" something to be very bad for us when the world tried to convince us it was good? Did we listen to the Voice? Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, against rulers of the darkness, against spiritual wickedness". This Voice is our "supernatural ability" to determine if a person or circumstance is "OF GOD" or "OF EVIL"; this is gift is of THE HOLY SPIRIT. THE SPIRIT SPEAKS TO THE SPIRIT, THE HEART SPEAKS TO THE HEART.
Do we wait for those who have offended us, "to make the wrong, right"? Do we try to "fix", "rationalize" or "undo" the wrong we have inflicted upon others? Have we not known the "HOLINESS OF FORGIVING", nor have we known the "HUMBLENESS OF BEING FORGIVEN"? Why have we prayed that those we have offended will forgive us? Is it to "ease our conscience", or is it so that they will know the TRUE FREEDOM LOVE IN FORGIVENESS? Is our Prayer for FORGIVENESS for them, for us or for everyone? Isaiah 43:25, "I, even I, am HE who blots out your transgressions for MY for MY own sake". HOW CAN MAN HONOR HIMSELF BY THE HUMILIATION AND GUILT OF OTHERS THROUGH UNFORGIVENESS? DO WE KNOW THE PERMANENT FREEDOM OF FORGIVENESS?
Prayer is not the language of our lips; it is the language, the silence of our heart. Prayer is not "eloquent lip-homage" or "parrot-like repetition" where the heart is not emptied of worldly passions. A "silent thank you" when the heart is emptied of everything but Love, is a complete and pleasing Prayer. Silence is, having the ability to speak and yet, uttering no idle words. In this silence we lose our "worldly selves"; and immediately find our Spiritual Selves. Each time we experience the "Recreation", the "Born Again" Delight of our CREATOR. 1 Timothy 4:5, "for it is made HOLY by the WORD OF GOD and prayer". WE EXPERIENCE HIS PRESENCE IN PRAYERS FROM THE HEART, EVEN WITHOUT WORDS; THAN WE DO WITH "WORDS WITHOUT HEART". IF WE COULD EXPERIENCE HIS PRESENCE 24 HOURS A DAY, WE WOULD NOT HAVE TO "SET ASIDE TIME FOR PRAYER".
GOD has placed the basic principles of HIS LOVE in everyone's heart (Romans 2:14); contrary to "man's teachings" today, it is present whether or not the person has ever read the Bible or heard about GOD. This PRESENCE of Love can become "dulled" and "unresponsive" if it is ignored or "substituted" by something that is not GOD'S WORD. Have we been taught that "sin is not sin", or the more subtlety, that "something is sin, that is not sin" by seeing things in light of man-made standards or Church Cultural? How do we know the PRESENCE OF THIS LOVE is not dulled? (Acts 24:16), It is being able to look GOD "in the eye" and every person "in the eye" knowing NOTHING BETWEEN YOU, THAT HAS NOT BEEN CONFESSED. BEING RIGHT WITH GOD GIVES US A CLEAR CONSCIENCE.
Same room, same surroundings, but some how it is different. It becomes an anointed Sanctuary where we know we are protected from evil and fearful thoughts. We read the same words and the same verses, but this time WE HEAR THEM. The VOICE IS CLEAR, no interpretation, we are in the presents of CREATION and THE CREATOR. Zephaniah 3:17, "The LORD is in our midst, the mighty ONE who saves, HE rejoices over us with gladness (and we rejoice too), HE quietens us with HIS LOVE, HE exalts over us with loud singing". WE NO LONGER TRY TO EARN "HIS FAVOR", WE JUST "LIVE IN HIS FAVOR". THE VOICE IS CLEAR.
Do we make vows to "convince" ourselves and others of our commitment to do good, be honorable and live virtuously? Do we find ourselves making "vows" thinking they will deter "dishonorable" behavior, when we know we are not "naturally" inclined to be virtuous? Do vows really change our ability to overcome temptation? Do vows give us virtue, or is virtue and purity of life the FULFILLMENT OF UNSPOKEN VOWS? James 5:12, "...do not swear, either by heaven or earth or by any other oath, but let your "yes" be your "yes" and your "no" be your "no", so that you may not fall under condemnation". DO VOWS GIVE US VIRTUE, OR DOES VIRTUE COME FROM OUR UNALTERABLE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD?
We are not threatened when our Faith is challenged; we are threatened when our Fear is exposed. It is not that others know our thoughts, or even the Truth of our actions that define us. We are defined by the presence or absence of LOVE. 1 Timothy 1:5, "...the object and purpose is LOVE, which springs from a pure heart, a good conscience and SINCERE FAITH". Are we capable of saying NO from our deepest conviction, instead of saying YES in order to please, or even worse, to avoid perceived trouble? A coward is incapable of exhibiting LOVE; THE PRESENCE OF LOVE IS THE ABSENCE OF FEAR. A PURE HEART ABOUNDS IN LOVE, AND WE ARE NO LONGER THREATENED. |
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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