2 Corinthians 5:16-17, "...we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded CHRIST according to the flesh...the old has passed away; ...the new has come." Have we become so insensitive to our own creation and relationship with GOD that we have become "Robistians"? Go to Church, go to work, spend a few hours with the family, get up and start all over again. "Robistians" that have been "Robo-washed". Have we become so indoctrinated with "Model - Mega" Churches (and smaller Churches trying to copy the same image) that we prefer presentation and performance over preaching and teaching? Are we robot Christians (Robistians) treating Church and Tithing like keeping appointments and paying a bill? What if (think now, just what if) we went to Church to be filled with GOD'S WORD and became so passionate that when we left we became disciples also preaching the WORD? What if we became so spontaneous in responding to the HOLY SPIRIT that our sharing of GOD'S WORD became a new territory? We would share the message that is so powerful that it leaves people wanting more! What if we really accepted the Church as the Body of CHRIST, where life is eternal and not temporal; infinite of the finite and Spiritual instead of physical? What if we had thoughts we have never had because our experiences challenged our belief system to the core (because we are a new creation in CHRIST)? Thinking "outside the box" will never happen without JESUS; a new way of thinking, HIS way of continual worship, and being a new creation. I was wondering, JUST WHAT IF?
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD!
2 Chronicles 1:7, "In that night GOD appeared to Solomon,..." That space of time when you think you're awake, but you're "drifting" with increasing acceleration to a place you've never been or even thought of. At first the scenery is distinct where you see the depth of its beauty; then you begin going faster and faster and the scenery becomes a blur of colors until you explode into a place of tranquility, peace and joy. You have just experienced the "Twilight" zone. GOD spoke to Solomon in a dream. In this space of time the mind does not reason; the heart, soul and Spirit are ONE and you understand all things. Solomon requested a discerning heart which was a"listening heart". As a result, during this time, he could hear GOD and he knew good from evil. Tonight may we all drift to this place that completely absorbs us into ONE with GOD. Blessed Dreams.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Matthew 22:36, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" We are like electricity, in that we tend to take the path of least resistance. The Pharisees asked the question to trap JESUS, but they really wanted clarification for themselves. Do you remember when you started reading the Bible, everything was so new and fresh. It could leave you in tears or just simply awestruck! The revelations you had were so clear (Truth) that you could not contain the desire to tell everyone what has been revealed! Then, we became a little (or a lot) lazy and preferred to have someone else "interpret" or tell us what the Scriptures meant. Ah, "interpretation", the explanation of something that is not immediately obvious. No where in any definition do we see a similarity or cohesiveness between "interpretation" and TRUTH. The WORD in the Bible is alive; it speaks for itself, it is communing with GOD directly as HE alone gives us a foundation for knowledge, to know the AUTHOR our CREATOR and let this understanding govern our lives and our decisions. The Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) all tell the life of JESUS but not exactly the same way. But their descriptions do not change the TRUTH, that JESUS lived, was the SON of GOD, worked miracles and taught HIS Disciples. Need someone to explain the Scriptures, then rely on the best COUNSELOR, THE HOLY SPIRIT. The revelations and understanding you receive from reading and praying the Scriptures are from GOD. Don't turn over the responsibility of knowing what the Bible says to someone else. You will find that reading the Bible for yourself is THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. AMEN!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! 2 Kings 23:25, "Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the LORD with all his heart ..." In spite of generations of idolatry and rebellion, a righteous king arose who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might. He did things never before done; he re-established observance of the Passover; did away with fortune tellers, and idols of other gods. Think about it, even King David didn't do this. Josiah died early in life, with a regenerating Spirit that withstood all changes and temptations. It wasn't how long he lived, it's how he lived. Will our lives regenerate others to withstand changes and temptations? WILL WE LIVE LIFE?!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Psalm 4:4-5, "Be angry and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts,...and be silent...and put your trust in the LORD." I am finding that I just don't have time to listen to "idle chatter", boasting or those who feel it necessary to impose their "good" counsel upon me. I am repelled by gossip and loose talk to the point I can become angry. It is as though the rules of "worldly reality" are obviously suspended in favor of place of greater expectations for myself. When we don't react immediately to an offense, even though we experience anger, maybe pride or even disillusionment we find that place GOD has provided for us to go. This quiet place is where HE gives us HIS special attention and affection. Here we do not think of revenge upon those who offend us, because they are GOD'S children too. To seek satisfaction of our anger or frustration would be to rebel against GOD. In the silence of the night; in solitary thoughts while we are withdrawn from the world and from the promptings of emotion and ambition, we cannot help but feel the presence of GOD. Job 33:14-18, "For GOD speaks in one way,...in a dream, in a vision of the night...then HE opens the ears of men..." Yes, there are just some things that I don't have time for and that includes being angry and dwelling upon offenses of others. Let GOD set you apart and distinguish you in that special place where the world is suspended and your expectations become visions; there is no anger, pride or "idle chatter".
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! 2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of GOD and not from ourselves."I was never sure if my father was giving me a compliment or not. I would hear him tell people that he would give my brother and sister money to be good; but that I was "good for nothing". To have worth is to be desirable, useful or valuable. What makes a bottle of oil so valuable? Is it the bottle or the "treasured oil inside"? GOD has chosen to put HIS treasure (THE HOLY SPIRIT) in us and HE trusts us, even commands us, to share our TREASURE with other people. When we live a Worthy life the TREASURE inside become useful, valuable and desirable.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Ecclesiastes 9:11, "...the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding;...but time and chance happeneth to them all." We should learn not to depend on ourselves for success. Our achieving of objectives and expectations for ourselves depends upon time, place and opportunity. The saying, "the war belongs not to the heroes," means it much rather belongs to the LORD. Our success seldom equals our expectations. When we depend upon "our abilities" we will fail; but when the RIGHT TIME comes, at the RIGHT PLACE, perfectly matched with the RIGHT OPPORTUNITY our results EXCEED OUR EXPECTATIONS. Let me ask you WHOCONTROLS ALL OF THIS? Yes, TIME, PLACE AND OPPORTUNITY ALL belong to GOD! My dad used to tell me, "I'd druthers" have a lot of luck than a lot of "skill" any day." Well, if I have my "druthers", I'd druthers have GOD'S MERCY and control above strength, wisdom, or being swift. No matter how fast, strong or smart I am; I'll never escape or out run death. THE WAR BELONGS NOT TO THE HEROES, IT BELONGS TO GOD! GLORY TO GLORY!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Matthew 19:24, "And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of GOD." This was an expression that was used during the days of JESUS that showed the impossibility or difficulty of doing something. Does a rich man ever have enough? Can't a poor man love his "little" so much that he too puts it before GOD? Then enough is "infinite" to both the rich and poor man; enough is never enough. Enough must be a "condition of the heart" where we clearly "see" Truth, and our focus is so intense that we hunger and thirst for GOD. Again, there is never "Enough". Enough is a condition of the heart not a quantity or a number. The eye of a needle is not too small for disciples of CHRIST to walk through shoulder to shoulder; and yet the world is not wide enough for two enemies. If we love our "riches", we will never have enough (quantity); If we love our GOD we will never get enough of HIM. Enough is infinite!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." The "Buzz" today is that GOD wants us rich to show the world HIS favor upon HIS Chosen Ones. And this scripture is used (among others) to "justify" this "Cadillac Christianity". When this scripture is quoted the word "prosperity" comes in, (and as Jackie Gleason used to say) "and a way we go. Actually Prosperity is the condition of being successful or thriving and having well-being. Well-Being is the state of being healthy, safe, comfortable and happy. Enjoy today and know that GOD does have plans for you, plans for your welfare, to give you hope and a future. We truly are "Rich", we have it all! It is just that all of us may not drive a Cadillac (or even want too).
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Job 38:2, "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?" When I hurl accusing questions at GOD, I am questioning the very being of HIM and HIS credibility. When I ask why; I am immediately making the statement that I have a better solution or know a better way. It is all with the "intent" I ask. Knowledge, assumes I have an understanding through experience of education; while Wisdom, implies that I have a deep understanding of Truth with the ability to judge what is True. When I ask the question WHY? I really mean WHO? When I ask, why do innocence children suffer when they have done nothing wrong; I am really asking WHO are YOU GOD? How could YOU let this happen GOD? Evil is so prevalent in our society (of course my sins excusable right?) that I ask why aren't you punishing them GOD? Again, I am asking WHO are YOU to let this go on? I want GOD to strike down my enemies but I don't want HIM to punish me for my "little slip ups". I want mercy when my back is against the wall, but I don't (and don't want to) understand how GOD can give mercy to others. In short; I cannot comprehend the nature of the GOD I am dealing with here. The only way I am going to be transformed into knowing the nature and character of GOD is to ask WHO LORD? LORD, I really WANT YOU TO BE GOD, no matter what! I just want to Trust, Depend, Sit in Awe and Amazement, and Love YOU like YOU love me. And LORD, all those other people? Treat them the same as YOU do me; with mercy, love, forgiveness and salvation. I'M THANKFUL YOUR GOD!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! |
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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