Do we "observe" the "Changing of the Seasons" knowing they are not "by chance"? Do we accept the seasons as a "mindless revolution" repeating over and over with no substance or meaning? Is each changing season a "carbon copy" of the one before it? Don't we realize ALL THINGS are bound by GOD'S established laws? Day and night, Spring and Summer; yes, Childhood to Youth, and being an adult to "age". Each day may appear to be the same as before; but it is not. We are constantly "changing" like the "Seasons" under the Sovereign Control and Love of GOD. Daniel 2:21, "And HE changes the times and the seasons; HE removes kings, and sets up kings...." Do we really think we are living in a time of meaningless revolutions and chance? We are constantly being changed, either MORE LIKE GOD, or MORE UNLIKE GOD, BUT EACH DAY IS DIFFERENT, AND SO ARE WE.
Do we realize that our lives " our opportunity to bear witness..."? Do we really Trust that GOD "...will give the words and wisdom...that our adversaries cannot withstand and contradict" (Luke 21:13-15)? Do we realize what we consider our "PRISONS" (jobs, irritating people or circumstances or relationships) can be TEMPLES OF PRAISE that Glorify GOD? HE tells us HE will give us the words and wisdom, but just in case we don't HEAR the words to say; then say nothing at all. Staying "silent" also gives our adversaries nothing to contradict! THIS TOO, IS OUR OPPORTUNITY TO BEAR WITNESS.
THANKFUL? Expression of "gratitude" and "relief"; awareness of a 'good' benefit. How many times are we at a loss of words when someone asks us to give THANKS? Isn't THANKFULNESS the SPIRITUAL awareness of GOOD and BAD? Gratitude and Peace with the GOOD that lets people respond and relate to GOD; and the BAD that also lets people also relate to GOD. Perhaps THANKFULNESS is "the absence of not wanting to trade places with anyone else, not Kings or Presidents". Just "basking" in the Mercy of GOD, "and let the Peace of CHRIST rule in your hearts", (Colossians 3:15). Be Thankful, for the Mercy of GOD bringing people into our lives who love us and whom we Love UNCONDITIONALLY.
John 8:31, is a powerful and revealing scripture. As JESUS was talking to some converted JEWS, HE said, "...If you continue in MY word, then you are my disciples indeed;" When we first "accepted" GOD'S free gift of Salvation; whether from a single sermon, a powerful prayer or a catastrophic event in our life, there was no greater Peace, Elation, Power, Confidence and Clarity! AMEN! From that moment on, we stumbled, sinned and struggled with GOD'S TRUTH. "CONTINUE IN MY WORD". Our Faith is only genuine when it is tested. Have we ever held to the Truth, no matter how convincing the lies of those around us? Have we ever, in a glimpse of a moment, done what we knew pleased GOD, no matter how tempted we were by the flesh? It caused us to grow in Faith, The JOY of Salvation Over and Over. CONTINUE IN MY WORD! Just when we think it doesn't get any better: IT DOES!
Is it like "a drill grinding on a nerve" when others constantly "complain", "criticize" or are "ungrateful"? Maybe it is GOD asking us if we have "complained", "criticized" or been "ungrateful". The Bible does not say not to judge, if so, how could we "Hate evil and love good, and establish justice" (Amos 5:15)? We may find we have enough to do in evaluating ourselves, let alone telling others their faults. Stay in GOD'S Presence and WORD and you will see that those around you will stop complaining, criticizing and being ungrateful. When we give our BEST FOR GOD, we will have PEACE. So when we want to JUDGE; remember, THE GATE SWINGS BOTH WAYS.
Nothing changes, it is the "SAME OLE, SAME OLE"! We know, when we see someone, exactly what they're going to say or "complain about". We know what "excuses" they are going to make or have. Hebrews 10:26, "...if we go on sinning deliberately, after receiving the knowledge of the Truth..." Have we thought that maybe they don't see a change in us? We go on sinning, when we know better, "and we reject the Truth" by not "repenting" and changing our "Behavior" or should we say "rebellious dis-behavior". Do we really want to blame others, for our lack of repenting, attitude and behavior? Maybe we are the ones who are "SAME OLE, SAME OLE"!
It will be alright in a few days. I'll do something nice for them, or get them a gift. They are just too sensitive. Do we use excuses or "substitutes" instead of asking FORGIVENESS? Is it because we really don't know how deeply we have hurt them (or GOD) by our actions? And/Or does it cause us "pain" to ask their forgiveness, because of our PRIDE (that we don't think we have), outright "REBELLIOUS SELFISHNESS" (where we REFUSE to humble ourselves) and GOD knows my "heart" (where we substitute OUR WILL for GOD'S WILL)? "A broken and a contrite heart, O GOD, YOU will not despise..." (Psalm 51:17). It takes a CONTRITE (ground to powder, where nothing is left but GOD'S WILL) HEART when asking FORGIVENESS for GOD to be GLORIFIED. GOD IS NOT DECEIVED, DON'T DECEIVE YOURSELF.
I have been on a mission! Just how big is a "mustard" seed? I finally found one, and it is about this " . "big. Did JESUS say, "if you have FAITH the SIZE of a mustard seed'? Or did HE say, "if you have FAITH LIKE a mustard seed..." (Matthew 17:20)? Have we been "persuaded" to view our FAITH as some mystical QUANTITY, when GOD'S WORD talks about the PRESENCE of FAITH in us? Isn't FAITH a CONDITION of the Heart, a vitality and energy that continues to grow from our Confidence in JESUS? When someone you TRUST or have CONFIDENCE in, tells you they did something nice for you; DID YOU THANK THEM even before you SAW IT because you HAD NO DOUBT? Isn't FAITH the PRESENCE of CONFIDENCE in JESUS not AMOUNT? DO WE THANK GOD, EVEN BEFORE WE'VE SEEN WHAT HE IS DOING? NOW THAT IS FAITH!
It is the Presence of FAITH, not necessarily the AMOUNT. Are we "maybe so", "I think so", or "wait and see" Christians? Why would JESUS ask the blind men who asked for Mercy, "Do you BELIEVE that I am able to do this" (Matthew 9:28)? Do we want to believe that JESUS will help us but just have to "wait and see"? JESUS does not ask rhetorical questions, it is for a purpose! JESUS puts us to the test, not to ridicule or belittle us, but to strengthen our FAITH, to strengthen our TRUST in GOD'S Mercy, to remove ALL DOUBT! MERCY is more than compassion; it removes suffering and DOUBT! A MERCIFUL person shares in another's misfortune and suffering as if it were their own. TODAY, as we prepare to start the day, JESUS is asking us, "DO YOU BELIEVE"? Is our answer, "MAYBE SO", "I THINK SO", "I REALLY WANT TO" OR "I'LL WAIT AND SEE"?
Today, WE BELIEVE, YES! What does it mean, "TO WAIT UPON THE LORD" (Psalm 27:14 and many other similar scriptures)? Does it mean to be patient, not anxious and passive while we "WAIT" for GOD'S TIMING? Does the Bible tell us about "passive" "patient" people? They were humble, but far from "Passive"! They were constantly "serving" and "Glorifying" GOD. Could it be that WAITING UPON THE LORD is similar to a "waiter" (in a restaurant) serving you; Yes, WAITING upon you? Do we really think our SPIRITS are going to die with our bodies and after thousands of years awaken and get up? Is that what happened to JESUS? No, HIS body (the temple) was destroyed; but not HIS SPIRIT! HIS BODY WAS THEN RAISED! Are we "Passively" WAITING UPON THE LORD; or are we "Actively" WAITING UPON THE LORD? Do we really think that we, BLINK (die), PAUSE (lay around conscientiously waiting) and then GETUP?
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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