Do we find ourselves "having to look for the GOOD" in others? Looking past the "bad" just to find a "sliver of GOOD". Do we not "SEE" the obvious, when it has been there all of the time? In the middle of the night, surrounded by darkness, a "flash of light" is BLINDING; while standing in the same place during the DAY, the SAME LIGHT becomes REVEALING. LIGHT, when we are surrounded by darkness, BLINDS US; while LIGHT surrounded by LIGHT, lets us see more CLEARLY. Maybe similar to Paul on his way to Damascus. At first he was BLINDED but then he began to see GOD in everything because he looked upon things and people differently. 1 Corinthians 13:8, "LOVE NEVER ENDS..." When LOVE is missing, we see things differently. No one (Moses or Paul) has seen the FACE OF GOD because we cannot look upon the FULL GLORY OF GOD. Maybe we no longer have to look "past the bad" to see the GOOD IN OTHERS; because WITH LOVE (THE LIGHT) WE SEE THE GOD IN OTHERS. DO WE SEE GOD IN OTHERS; OR HAS THE LIGHT BLINDED US?
Do we really "Believe" (to act upon) that GOD is concerned about every aspect of our lives? Do we really "Believe" (to act upon) that GOD is Present in every part of our lives? Where in GOD'S WORD does it say that "GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THE BIG THINGS; and WE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE 'LITTLE' THINGS"? The Bible DOES SAY, "And now, just as you trusted CHRIST to save you, trust HIM too with each minute, each decision in each day", live in VITAL union with HIM (Colossians 2:6)". VITAL means, "a requirement of life". Do we "really Believe" GOD is in every facet of our lives: if so, then why don't we ask HIM which shirt or dress to wear; why don't we ask HIM what to do with the "money" HE has provided? Do we just assume these things are for our discretion and GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THE BIG STUFF? If we included HIM in all of our "LITTLE STUFF"; THERE WOULD BE NO BIG STUFF. AMEN!
Our willingness to be changed, is our ability to change things. Do we say one thing to earn acceptance and then do another? Do we speak with great authority to influence others in an attempt to benefit and glorify ourselves? If so, we put ourselves before the need of others. We may lie to man for a while, but we cannot lie to GOD. Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked..." Ephesians 4:22, "...put off your old self...and be renewed in the SPIRIT ..." Whatever we sow, the harvest is greater than that which we are; our unkind and deceiving acts will be multiplied against us. Our LOVINGLY GODLY acts will be multiplied upon others. WHEN WE CHANGE, THINGS AND PEOPLE AROUND US CHANGE.
WHAT HAPPENED? When the "hardness" of our heart was smashed to nothingness; when there was nothing left of the old self; WE KNEW JESUS. HIS SPIRIT bore witness with our SPIRIT (Romans 8:6); we received the SPIRIT of adopted sons (Romans 8:15). Our Passion, Desire, our Everything was in HIM. We read the Bible to hear what HE had to say; to know how to live; there was nothing better than HIM. Our Church services were FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, we looked forward to going and really didn't want to leave. Then we began to try and enhance this RELATIONSHIP with "Spiritual Gift Inventories", "Spiritual Warfare Classes", or "Becoming a Contagious Christian". JESUS did everything for us but ONE THING. HE Died for our sins and Rose again to give us everlasting life; and we did nothing! WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. Are we "drifting" away because we have substituted "CHRISTIAN FADS" for our RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS? Does this "exaggerated zeal" fade away when the next "Fad" is introduced; and we again work "feverishly" to be a CHRISTIAN? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TEARS THAT FLOWED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT; THE HUNGER AND THIRST FOR HIS WORD; THE JOY OF HIS PRESENCE? LORD FORGIVE US; WHAT HAPPENED?
Do we have a "CALLING"? Is it in a persistent, recurring thought, dream or "VOICE".? Is it absolutely "irrational", "unobtainable", and even "beyond our abilities"? We dispute, murmur and justify our doubts and fears of being able to attain such "feats". Hebrews 11:8, "By Faith Abraham, when he was CALLED...OBEYED..." He was called to leave worldly connections, interests and comforts. In his CALLING he separated himself from the past, his friends thought him to be living in an unrealistic "infinite dimension", and his future was uncertain. Have we learned the best way to ENJOY our COMFORTS and "FALSE CERTAINTY" IS TO GIVE THEM UP TO GOD? When we learn it doesn't take courage to obey GOD, it only takes TRUST. Have we been "CALLED" to some great feat that we DOUBT could ever be done by us? THE BEAUTIFUL PART OF BEING CALLED AND THEN OBEYING IS, THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW HOW GOD USED US.
Although we have been told and lectured that our GOD is an orderly GOD; does that mean that "mans" order and organization is the same as GODLY ORDER? Is our Worship "so orderly", structured and vain that it has become "routine" and without Passion? Is our "Worship" so predetermined that the HOLY SPIRIT is quelled? When we try to show GOD we love HIM is sure proof that WE DON'T. We cannot "predetermine" and "orderly commit" to not think, speak or act evil. That is sure failure. We cannot just "think" about and do the "teachings" of JESUS. When the HOLY SPIRIT is in us, we live HIS "Teachings" without knowing it. GOD is LOVE and HE manifests HIMSELF within us (Romans 5:5). Are our prayers more powerful and intimate when we "plan" or "read" our Prayers; or are they more Passionate, Powerful and Intimate when we SPONTANEOUSLY AND NATURALLY COME BEFORE GOD? Which brings more GLORY TO GOD; Our "orderly" "predetermined" WORSHIP; or GOD'S SPIRITUAL ORDER WHERE HIS LOVE IN US SPONTANEOUSLY BURSTS FORTH IN PASSIONATE OBEDIENCE? Have we "planned away" SPONTANEOUS WORSHIP and substituted countless "cheap" activities and programs to hold the attention of the Church people? Planned and Predetermined LOVE has boundaries and limits. SPONTANEOUS LOVE IS INFINITELY OBEDIENT. GOD'S ORDER IS OUR SPONTANEITY.
Is it possible that we don't know what FAITH IS; and is it possible that we don't know the difference BETWEEN FAITH AND BELIEF? Have our Churches, Faith teachings, word of Faith teachings and religious Faith movements failed in their Preaching and Teaching (or LACK THEREOF)? GOD gives us FAITH (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 12:3). FAITH comes from hearing the Message and the Message is GOD'S WORD (ROMANS:17). FAITH is information we get from GOD to act upon. FAITH is our "unreserved confidence" in the DIVINE EVIDENCE of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). We no longer "lean upon our own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5), FAITH is our complete assurance in the Promises of GOD. BELIEF is acting upon our FAITH. BELIEF is "acting upon the INFORMATION GOD has spoken to us". BELIEF is acting upon SPIRITUAL TRUTH. FAITH changes nothing except our RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. BELIEF is ACTING upon that RELATIONSHIP. FAITH EQUALS CONFIDENCE IN THE PROMISES OF GOD; BELIEF IS ACTING UPON THAT FAITH.
"IF ONLYS SEPARATES US FROM GOD". "IF ONLY I HAD DONE THIS, IF ONLY I HAD DONE THAT". "IF ONLY" doesn't change anything; it just keeps us looking the wrong direction. We are constantly looking backward instead of fixing our thoughts on JESUS. We confine ourselves to a world of guilt instead of FREEDOM IN HOPE, LOVE, JOY AND PEACE. 1 Corinthians 15:19, "In this life IF ONLY we have hope in CHRIST..." "IF ONLYS" keep us from the DIVINE EVIDENCE of things not seen. There is so much that we regret and we can't change it. If we tried to go back to correct our actions, our sins were so great that those "hurt" would never trust us. The GOOD NEWS IS, "GOD will restore the wasted years..." (Joel 2:25). The "IF ONLYS" go away when we think and speak with GOD'S LOVE; Proverbs 16:24, "Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the Soul, and health to the bones." Just think, all of our sins are forgiven and when we get to Heaven, GOD AND THOSE WE SINNED AGAINST WILL WELCOME US HOME. Right now ask JESUS into your heart, don't wait, and don't be to busy: Ask to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. DON'T WAIT UNTIL JUDGEMENT DAY AND YOU CAN ONLY SAY, " IF ONLY, I would have accepted and confessed JESUS on September 23, 2014. IF ONLY..
When our Souls are burdened, our conscience is in turmoil, or we just want to hear the TRUTH about GOD; who do we seek out to listen to? Is it someone with the title Rabbi, Teacher, Preacher or Minister? Or, do we seek out people who associate themselves with people of Title and Prestige? No, Our SPIRIT seeks one who has HIS SPIRIT MANIFESTED in them. Matthew23:10, "Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, THE CHRIST. The greatest among you shall be your servant." The one to whom we listen, does not seek nor accept Titles as a symbol of Honor. The DIVINE TREASURES of Love and Wisdom will not be revealed by those with Reverent and Sacred Titles; for Titles give too much Honor and Authority to Man instead of GOD. WE ONLY TRUST THE SPIRIT OF GOD; NOT THE TITLES OF MAN. There is only ONE TEACHER who is infallible; the rest of us are "brethren", no one greater than the other, LOVING THE TEACHER.
Before you had spoken, before you could lean over to help, has someone asked, "Are you a Preacher"? To be Trusted with such a Precious Treasure as the Presence of JESUS in the Gospel, fills the Heart (inner most SPIRIT) with contrite humbleness. Even though we are unworthy and seemingly inadequate, the Simple Message of HIS PRESENCE is LOVE. Our gifts and talents, our preparation and even our giving an emotional testimony are replaced with HIS PRESENCE. Mark 16:15, "...Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." OUR COMMAND IS TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER DEEPLY; THIS LOVE OPENS THE HEARTS OF "EVERY CREATURE" TO HEAR THE GOSPEL. ARE YOU A PREACHER?
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
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