What is Purpose For You?
PurposeForYou (PFY) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping all the people of the world find their true purpose if far greater than just their personal survival, interests and accomplishments. Our Purpose is for each other to live out the golden rule that our leader Jesus taught, "Love your neighbor as yourself". At PFY, we are trying to do that very thing by ministering love and hope to the ones that we can touch through our various missions both locally and abroad (which have mainly been to the Philippines). Let us love others as ourselves; reaching one nation at a time, one city at a time, one family at a time, one person at a time, one heart at a time.
PFY supports ministries local and abroad that share our love for the people of the world.
PFY supports ministries local and abroad that share our love for the people of the world.
What's your purpose?
We all have a God given purpose to fulfill. Our occupation is something all of us have, but for many of us our purpose goes beyond that. Our hearts compel us, we must do more than earn a little bread for us and are children and then die. NO, there must be a great purpose. PFY is an organization dedicated to the LORD Jesus for that very purpose.
At PFY, our purpose is for Him (Jesus),
Our Purpose is For You LORD
and the ones you send us to.
God made each and every one of us for a specific and unique purpose. And that purpose gives us a target, a goal, a dream to shoot for. Without that, people wander aimlessly through life and may or may not fulfill what God's perfect plan was. It is, of course, His number one aim that all should come to repentance and gain eternal life through the knowledge of His son, Jesus (in Hebrew Yeshua) which name literally means salvation. But second, it is His desire that once we have come to the knowledge of salvation, that we also fulfill His purpose for us on this earth. We have a job to do, an assignment from Heaven. How can we do it?
That's what PurposeForYou.org is for. To help people find their purpose in life. And there is no really big secret here; that purpose is found in the love of God. You can truly know the love of God and go after God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And when you do that purpose will be revealed to you.
So how do you know you are moving in the right direction?
Establish yourself in the love, and grace (unmerited favor) and the gift of right standing before God. Warning: This message is so simple that if you are too smart you'll reject it. Don't reject it because of its simplicity. Remember that Einstein was searching for one very simple formula called the Unifying Theorem or in other words, The Theory of Everything. He did not find it and I suspect because he was looking in the wrong place, but he believed that everything in the universe would be tied together by one simple formula. Could it be the Unifying Theorem is not a formula, but a person?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God! John 1:1
That's what PurposeForYou.org is for. To help people find their purpose in life. And there is no really big secret here; that purpose is found in the love of God. You can truly know the love of God and go after God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And when you do that purpose will be revealed to you.
So how do you know you are moving in the right direction?
Establish yourself in the love, and grace (unmerited favor) and the gift of right standing before God. Warning: This message is so simple that if you are too smart you'll reject it. Don't reject it because of its simplicity. Remember that Einstein was searching for one very simple formula called the Unifying Theorem or in other words, The Theory of Everything. He did not find it and I suspect because he was looking in the wrong place, but he believed that everything in the universe would be tied together by one simple formula. Could it be the Unifying Theorem is not a formula, but a person?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God! John 1:1
The Love of God The Grace (Unmerited Favor) of God Be thankful |
The Right Standing Before God Avoid the religious trappings of men Don't stop there |
So that's how you get started on the journey of a lifetime is ahead and boasts of great adventures in a increasingly complex world, but WITH GOD, all things are possible and as Jesus said, "in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". God has a solution for every problem you will ever face. The one thing you need to know.
So that's how you get started on the journey of a lifetime is ahead and boasts of great adventures in a increasingly complex world, but WITH GOD, all things are possible and as Jesus said, "in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". God has a solution for every problem you will ever face. The one thing you need to know.
Your purpose is the same as our purpose and is summed up by one statement in the bible. It is very simple, FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. And what are his commandments? Love God AND prove it by loving others the way the Jesus loved His disciples! How did he love them? You'll need to read the bible to find out.