There are times when our sins and failures might make us think that GOD is angry or disappointed with us. How can HE still love me after what I have done? If I am forgiven why do I feel so guilty? When these doubts arise about GOD'S love and faithfulness, focus on the truth. If we continually try to visualize GOD through our circumstances or feelings, we will not see HIM. HIS love for us does not lie in our good performance, but in our relationship with CHRST. As our relationship with CHRIST grows, our performance will improve. So tonight, whether you are at a party or home alone, think upon these things; Romans 8:31-34, "...If GOD is for us, who is against us...who will bring a charge against GOD'S elect...?" You belong to GOD, HE knows your name, You are in HIS Palm and this is a SPECIAL TIME where you really know HIM and HIS love. Abundant Blessings, now and always. May you receive your heart's desire now, always (and in all ways) and eternity in our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
The opportunity for renewal and starting anew. Our mistakes are behind us and we eagerly look forward to a new time that we will be even better. We have a new start for our hopes, desires and dreams. We don't have to wait a year, we have this opportunity every minute of every day. It is better than starting a new game or calling "Kings-X" when you are losing. With a New Year's Resolution the past still haunts you and even the new promises you made to yourself soon fade. Nothing is permanent! Does our commitment go beyond an emotional experience and sustain us? You are right, here it comes, NO! Only JESUS is the sustaining power. Before you can renew your actions you must renew your mind and heart, moment by moment. Do we just go to JESUS when we are in dire need of help, maybe the sensationalism, or the thrill of excitement? Or do we follow HIM because we genuinely believe HE is GOD? 1 Corinthians 2: 16, "...But we have the mind of CHRIST." So this year don't make all kinds of promises of helping the poor and homeless before you help yourself! If you have the mind of CHRIST you will accomplish so much more for the poor and homeless than you ever believed possible. Moment by Moment!
1 Corinthians 15:31, "...I die every day!" Just when we think we are really trusting GOD something happens to "shake" us. Yes, we have been going along giving "everything" to GOD to see us through and we gain confidence in our trust of HIM. Then something we have put in the back of our minds comes back to make us feel guilty or completely want to run. This test is allowed to see if you really believe you are forgiven; to see if you are really a new person in CHRIST or just a "patched up" old self. A test is not to see if you pass or fail; it is the verification of worth. Romans 12:2, " testing you may discern what is the will of GOD..." Did you test your faith in this situation and did you discover you are forgiven? You are NEW in CHRIST, you just verified your faith in GOD. HE already knows it, HE just wants you to know it. So when you die everyday, you are giving up more of yourself so there is more room for JESUS.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! We talk about how great GOD is, how we really want to share HIS Word, and then things come up and we are paralyzed. We can't think of anything but the circumstance. Psalm 119:2, "...Blessed are those...who seek HIM with their whole heart." Psalm 119 was written for such a time; it was written so we would admire GOD'S Word so much that we would want it to shape our lives and character. When HIS Word begins to change us, the more we will reflect GOD'S own character, not just for others to see, but for us to know who HE is in us! So now we don't focus on the circumstance, we focus on GOD and how to GLORIFY HIM during the situation. We do not have the pretense of perferction, only a "yearning" (passion) to trust and depend upon GOD for everything! NO FEAR! WE KNOW WHO WE ARE IN HIM AND WHO HE IS IN US!
We spend so much time "preparing" for life. We seek the "lie" of "preparation" instead of doing! We beg, borrow and steal to get a college education instead of living, working and enjoying the journey. Psalm 16:6, "My share in life has been pleasant; my part has been beautiful..." Do we allow society and our "institutions" to instill their fears in us. Life on earth is a blink of the eye (how did the years go by so fast), it is but a mist, or a grain of sand on a beach, why waist it? When it is all said and done, the one thing we learn is; "However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all." (Ecclesiastes 11:8) Today is all you have, LIVE IT, CHERISH IT AND SHARE IT!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Have you ever just received an unexpected smile, hug, kind word, or just a look from someone and it humbled you to tears? It was their random act of kindness that let you focus on Love not the person, and not yourself. I call those, "Petals of Love", where the "Agape" nature consumes both the giver and the recipient. A flower petal has two beautiful sides and together they make the rose even more appealing. 1 John 4:16, "...whoever abides in love abides in GOD, and GOD abides in him." In love we find no beginning or end, IT JUST IS, IT IS JUST GOD! Today "sprinkle Petals of Love", you will lose sight of who is the giver or the receiver, because there is no beginning or end. The Giver receives more than they give.
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! Isaiah 9:6, "...HE will be called Wonderful Counselor...Prince of Peace." If this is true, why are there still wars, crime in our cities and family strife? Maybe these are symtoms of the lack of Peace and not the cause. JESUS came, as Prince of Peace, to bring peace between GOD and man. JESUS tells us there is no neutrality, "neither hot or cold", when we accept peace with GOD through our PRINCE OF PEACE, we declare war on satan and his forces. Our only question is; with whom will we be at war and with WHOM will we be at PEACE? We must introduce JESUS and HIS offer of amnesty to those at war with GOD. It is a process, DON'T GIVE UP ON JESUS, HE HAS NOT GIVEN UP ON YOU! Prayers for a most Blessed CHRISTMAS for you!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! We are so "on fire" for JESUS that we want to teach, preach, shout Hallelujah and baptize people. Then we are called to go speak with someone who has experienced a tragedy in their family so we can comfort and help them. Words are not enough, we know we should say something but we feel so helpless and inadequate! Then the Power comes over us, and we remember what JESUS told his disciples before HE left? Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted..." This now becomes a time of hope where the Bible tells us, Revelation 21:4, "HE will wipe every tear from their eyes...There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain..." Sometimes we just need to be quite as we are with them, let them feel GOD'S love. When we DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY, simply say nothing at all, JESUS says it so much better. Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD!
In the days of JESUS, to be put upon the Cross was to bring the end to an evil man. The Cross destroys confidence in our old selves and we die to our old selves, not just to improve an old life. It slays the sinner not redirects him; nor does it merely get someone to live a better life while keeping their self-respect. If we are on the Cross, we are facing only one direction! We have no further plans of our own and we bid farewell because we are not going back. I don't have the courage to "bear the Cross", but when I agree with GOD to quit justifying myself and excusing my way of life HE does the rest! 2 Timothy 2:11, "...For if we died with HIM, we shall live with HIM." YES, NO TURNING BACK, JUST CROSS OVER!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! I wonder what the apostles thought when JESUS told them that they would be HIS witnesses? No fancy programs, no specially prepared testimony or speech, just a highly trasformed encounter with our risen LORD, JESUS CHRIST! Ineffective Christian testimony and our Christian witnessing is unconvincing because we have not been convinced. Testimonies are wavering and ineffective because the gleam is gone from our eyes and our witnessing is not contagious. Think about it! Christianity doesn't have to be forced upon somone, they should want it when they see us! Christianity should be contagious! Have we programmed ourselves into conformity and apathy? Do we really think we can "script" a testimony to bless others, or is it Spontaneous, like those that JESUS healed? Acts 1: 8, " will receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses..." Effective witnessing comes after the "Train Crash" where our souls and the Heart of GOD meet in a violent conflict, and we SURRENDER saying, "THY WILL BE DONE". Let us not be guilty of being "programmed" into our religion! Hear the WHISTLE? GET ON FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE; YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!
Psalm 139: 23-24 Isaiah 43:1 GOD IS GOD! |
About the Author and writerThe writer for our daily devotionals wishes to remain anonymous in regard to his work, giving instead Glory to the Author. Archives
December 2015
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