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Much of what is called meditation (even “Christian meditation”) is hypnosis, not meditating on the Word of God.
Don’t “empty your mind”! Fill it – with the Word of God! That’s Christian Meditation! “This program is literally SOAKING in God’s HOLY Word!” – Joanie, Kodiak, AK * No guided imagery! * No mysticism! * No hypnosis! * Just pure Bible and anointed music to help you focus on the Lord of glory. * FILL your mind with the Word of the living God! PraiseMoves Flow Join PraiseMoves founder Laurette Willis and Certified PraiseMoves Instructors for 16 flowing ”Scriptures Sequences” (PraiseMoves exercises to passages from the Bible). Includes descriptions of 40 PraiseMoves postures. Featuring: Nola Jeanne Baird, Heather Bayless, Crystal Burton, Rachel James, Marlene Jones and Pam Terry Transform your Workouts into Worship as you move to and memorize some of the most beautiful passages of Scripture, such as: The Lord's Prayer, The Prayer of Jabez, The 23rd Psalm, Psalm 91 (God's Psalm of Protection), Proverbs 4:20-22 (God's Health Prescription), Psalm 16:5-11 (Our inheritance in the Lord), and 10 other powerful passages from God's Holy Word. |
There soon will be more PraiseMoves DVDs, as well as PraiseMoves and MIRA! classes by CPIs, CMIs.